Course curriculum

    1. A message from Sue Hyatt

    2. How to get the most out of this course

    3. Zoom Office Hours

    4. Before we begin...

    1. What Does the Report Need to Include? Components of a Strong Report

    2. RESOURCE: AmeriCorps Evaluation Report Elements

    3. RESOURCE: AmeriCorps Evaluation Report Checklist

    1. Tips and Strategies for Content Analysis of Qualitative Data

    2. RESOURCE: Qualitative Data - Content Analysis Step by Step

    3. Tips for Using an Online Survey Platform to Aggregate Qualitative Data

    4. Manual Quantitative Data Aggregation Step by Step

    1. Preparing Effective Tables to Summarize Your Data

    2. Preparing Effective Charts to Summarize Your Data

    1. Analyzing Your Data and Preparing Narratives

    2. RESOURCE: Sample Write Ups of Qualitative Data

    3. RESOURCE: Sample Write Ups of Quantitative Data Tables

    1. Writing Up the Methodology You Used to Collect Your Data

    2. RESOURCE: How to Determine Response Rates

About this course

  • $200.00
  • Course Will Launch November 1, 2023