Are you struggling to:

  • Develop a plan for your process or impact evaluation to provide meaningful and actionable results?
  • Develop evaluation questions that align with your AmeriCorps program goals and logic model?
  • Collect meaningful data and stay organized during the process?
  • Produce reports that demonstrate your program's evaluation learning or impact?
  • Meet AmeriCorps evaluation requirements with limited time and budgets?

Developing strong evaluation plans and writing high-quality evaluation reports are common challenges for many AmeriCorps program staff. With scarce resources and evaluation expertise, producing required evaluation deliverables can be daunting.

The new AmeriCorps Program Evaluation Training and Resources site offers a robust set of DIY courses and tools to solve these problems once and for all. Created by evaluation expert Sue Hyatt, these resources distill her 25+ years of experience working with AmeriCorps programs into actionable lessons you can apply immediately.

We offer live webinar training, online courses, and customized in person trainings.

Our signature "Made Easy" DIY (Do It Yourself) online video courses walk you step-by-step at your own pace through crafting solid evaluation plans and reports tailored to your program's context and needs,

Each online course provides:

  • Short video lessons explaining key concepts
  • Copies of slide decks used in the lessons
  • "Your Turn" worksheets to apply the concepts
  • Tip sheets with examples and templates
  • Bonus resources to build your evaluation knowledge

With the AmeriCorps Program Evaluation Training and Resources courses, you'll no longer struggle with unclear guidance or try to reinvent the wheel. Sue's decades of hands-on expertise designing and implementing evaluations will give you the clarity, models, and tools to efficiently produce quality evaluation deliverables that meet AmeriCorps requirements.

Click the course name below to register today to access these exclusive resources so you can level up your program's evaluation capabilities.

AmeriCorps Program Design and Evaluation Specialist Sue Hyatt, MS

Sue is an AmeriCorps evaluation and program design specialist having worked with AmeriCorps since 1995. She has provided small group and one-on-one technical assistance to over 1,000 AmeriCorps programs on topics including:

• Designing strong evaluation plans for both process and impact evaluations including identifying meaningful research questions, data collection methodology, and selecting and working with local evaluators;

• designing high quality data collection instruments and systems;

• conducting data aggregation and analysis;

• writing strong evaluation reports that meet AmeriCorps standards; and

• using evaluation results for building evidence and continuous improvement, as well as reporting to funders and other stakeholders;

In addition, Sue has personally conducted over 30 AmeriCorps program evaluations. Plus countless evaluations for other agencies.

What People Say About Sue

  • From the very early days of AmeriCorps, you were fantastic at making the evaluation component easy and understandable!

    Ralph Morales, former Deputy Director of AmeriCorps State and National

  • Thank you so very much in helping me put this evaluation plan together. I can't thank you enough! Your help and guidance is so greatly appreciated. | definitely couldn't have done this without your guidance, support and phenomenal help.

    Laurie Von Kaenel, Program Director, NWF Environmental Stewards

  • Learning about the entire evaluation process with Sue has been so helpful. I learned about evaluation in college, but actually practicing it is a whole different thing. It's been great and Sue helps explain everything so well. She really knows AmeriCorps :)

    North Carolina AmeriCorps Program Director

  • Sue really understands AmeriCorps and our challenges as program staff. Some evaluators talk over our head but Sue is able to explain evaluation in a way that I can understand.

    Arkansas AmeriCorps Program Director

  • Sue's examples, worksheets, and discussion of questions all provided a clearer understanding of the training material.

    Florida AmeriCorps Program Director

  • AmeriCorps is so lucky to have you and this course - You do make evaluation easy, applicable and understandable!

    Justine Murray, JBS International

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